Saturday, November 20, 2004

"Where did I go wrong? I never needed this before...."

I'm in a better mood this time, even though it's raining. I'm listening to Live's "Secret Samadhi" right now. I haven't heard it in a long time and I'm remembering why I used to love it. Seriously, this disc didn't leave my boombox for months back when I was in junior high. It's odd to think that their album "Throwing Copper" (you know, the one with "Lightning Crashes") came out a decade ago. Nirvana's "Nevermind" came out in what, '91, and Kurt Cobain has been dead for 1-0. Holy crap, it's been over ten years since elementary school. Not that 'it feels like it was just yesterday' or any of that crap, but it definitely seems strange to me that it was so long ago. Weird. So weird. Man, now I feel old.

Anyhow, things are good. School continues to annoy me, mostly due to my complete lack of work ethic. I've gotta write a paper over Thanksgiving break, which is pretty crappy. HOWEVER, I'm way excited to head home for turkey day. It's going to be great to be back in the beautiful Yakima valley and to hang out with my hometown buddies and see my parents and my brother....yeah. I really can't wait. I'm going to be spending a day or two at the University of Puget Sound with Zacky first, which should be good. (All you NYU kids who don't know this guy, I feel sorry for you. Hell of a dude. You'll get to meet him Spring Break if you're in the city.) The only bad part about this trip home is that my parents sold my car. The Great White Hype: R.I.P. I'm gonna miss you buddy. (Is it odd that I considered my Jeep to be one of my friends? I honestly did. It was a good vehicle, and we went through a lot together.) But my mom got a new car, and one of the old ones had to go. I just wish it had been her crappy van instead of The Hype.

"Insomnia and the Hole in the Universe" just came on. This was my favorite song when I first got the album; now I think I like "Gas Hed Goes West" and "Turn My Head" more, but this is still a good track (despite the fact that the lyrics are nonsense). Ed Kowalczyk just has such a great voice...sorry, I'm rambling. This is why people shouldn't have blogs. Put them in front of a keyboard and they just start going on and on. I guess I'll do you a favor and cut myself off, even though it's already too late. Time to go either memorize lines or play guitar...although knowing myself, I'll probably take a nap instead. My bed is mighty comfy....

Alright, take care of yourself and have a wonderful day. *Big cheesey smile.*


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